


Conheça os Palestrantes

A BBR CONFERENCE contará com palestras de uma hora de duração com pesquisadores internacionais renomados. Conheça um pouco mais sobre cada um deles.

Sofia Lourenço

Universidade de Lisboa – Portugal

Sofia Lourenço é Professora Associada Sénior na Universidade de Lisboa. Sua investigação centra-se nas áreas de Gestão, Contabilidade, Auditoria e Fiscalidade. A Dra. Sofia recebeu seu Ph.D. em Administração de Empresas, Contabilidade e Gestão pela Harvard Business School. Funções editoriais em revistas acadêmicas: Membro do Conselho Editorial da Accounting and Business Research (desde 2021), Membro do Conselho Editorial da European Accounting Review (desde 2020), Editora associada da European Journal of Management Studies (desde 2019), Membro do Conselho Editorial da Management Accounting Frontiers (since 2017).

Sofia Lourenço is a Senior Associate Professor at Lisboa University. Her research focuses on Management, Accounting, Auditing and Taxation. She received her Ph.D. in Business Administration, Accounting and Management from Harvard Business School. Editorial roles in Academic Journals: Editorial Board Member Accounting and Business Research (since 2021), Editorial Board Member European Accounting Review (since 2020), Associate Editor European Journal of Management Studies (since 2019), Editorial Board Member Management Accounting Frontiers (since 2017).

Anne Ehinger

Florida State University – USA

A Professora Dra. Ehinger é Ph.D. pela University of Georgia e Professora Assistente do Departamento de Contabilidade da Florida State University. Suas pesquisas se concentram na análise da informatividade das divulgações fiscais, no efeito do escrutínio regulatório no ambiente de informações fiscais, em como as mudanças regulatórias influenciam as decisões fiscais das empresas e como certas características da empresa influenciam o planejamento tributário. Antes de obter seu Ph.D., a Dra. Ehinger atuou na PwC – Chicago, Illinois – e no departamento tributário da Guggenheim Partners. A Dra. Ehinger também é CPA – Certified Public Accountant – licenciada em Illinois e Indiana.

Dr. Ehinger is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Accounting at Florida State University’s College of Business. Her research primarily focuses on taxation and the informativeness of disclosures. In her research, she examines the informativeness of tax disclosures, the effect of regulatory scrutiny on the tax information environment, how regulatory changes influence firms’ tax decisions, and how certain firm characteristics influence tax planning. She earned her Ph.D. at the University of Georgia. Prior to earning her Ph.D., Dr. Ehinger spent almost five years working in the financial services tax group at PwC in Chicago, Illinois. She also spent two years working in the tax department at Guggenheim Partners. She is a licensed CPA in both Illinois and Indiana.

Samuel Tiras

Indiana University – USA

O Dr. Samuel Tiras é Professor Associado de contabilidade na Kelley School of Business. Sua pesquisa se concentra em contabilidade financeira, implicações da auditoria em relatórios financeiros e governança corporativa. Antes de atuar na Kelley School of Business, Tiras foi Professor da Louisiana State University, University at Buffalo, University of Oregon e Florida International University. O Dr. Samuel recebeu seu Ph.D. em contabilidade pela Ohio State University, em 1994. A pesquisa de Tiras foi publicada em The Accounting Review, Contemporary Accounting Research, Review of Accounting Studies, Journal of Accounting and Public Policy e Journal of Business Finance and Accounting.

Samuel Tiras is an associate professor of accounting at the Kelley School of Business. His research focuses on financial accounting, implications of auditing on financial reporting and corporate governance. Before Samuel Tiras came to the Kelley School of Business in 2015, he was on faculty at Louisiana State University, University at Buffalo, University of Oregon and Florida International University. He received his Ph.D. in accounting from The Ohio State University in 1994. Tiras’ research has been published in The Accounting Review, Contemporary Accounting Research, Review of Accounting Studies, Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, and Journal of Business Finance and Accounting.

Walter Wymer

Universidade de Lethbridge – CA

O Dr. Walter Wymer (Indiana University, 1996) é Professor de Marketing na Universidade de Lethbridge (Canadá). Suas principais áreas de pesquisa incluem marketing sem fins lucrativos, marketing social, força/lealdade de marca, marketing de ensino superior e desenvolvimento de escala. Seu trabalho inicial se concentrou na psicologia do voluntário, segmentando subgrupos de voluntários e diferenças de gênero no voluntariado. Outro interesse diz respeito à formulação de estratégias eficazes de marketing social e comunicação em saúde pública. Os esforços de pesquisa atuais envolvem marcas de caridade (charity brand) e crowdfunding em redes sociais.

Walter Wymer (Indiana University ‘96) is a Professor of Marketing at the University of Lethbridge (Canada). His primary areas of research include nonprofit marketing, social marketing, brand strength/loyalty, higher education marketing, and scale development. His early work focused on volunteer psychology, segmenting volunteer subgroups, and gender differences in volunteering. Another interest concerns formulating effective social marketing and public health communication strategies. Current research endeavors involve charity brand topics and crowdfunding on social networking sites.

Evgenia I. Lysova

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam – Holland

A Dra. Evgenia I. Lysova é Professora Associada de Comportamento Organizacional no Departamento de Administração e Organização da Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Seus principais interesses de pesquisa são: trabalho significativo, trabalho como vocação, carreiras e responsabilidade social corporativa. Suas pesquisas objetivam compreender como possibilitar e sustentar – com a ajuda das organizações – experiências significativas no trabalho e nas carreiras dos indivíduos. O trabalho de Evgenia foi publicado em periódicos internacionais revisados por pares, como Human Relations, Personnel Psychology, Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior e Journal of Vocational Behavior, entre outros. A Dra. Evgenia atua como Editora Associada no Journal of Vocational Behavior, é membro do conselho editorial do Journal of Management Studies e do Journal of Career Assessment, e foi editora convidada de edições especiais sobre vocação (Journal of Vocational Behavior) e trabalho significativo (Journal of Business Ethics).

Evgenia I. Lysova is Associate Professor in Organizational Behavior at the Department of Management and Organization of Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Her main research interests concern the topic of meaningful work, work as a calling, careers, and Corporate Social Responsibility. She is on a mission to understand how to enable and sustain greater experiences of meaningfulness in individuals’ work and careers with the help of organizations. Evgenia‘s work has been published in international peer-reviewed journals such as Human Relations, Personnel Psychology, Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, and Journal of Vocational Behavior, among others. She serves as an Associate Editor at Journal of Vocational Behavior and is a member of the editorial board of Journal of Management Studies and Journal of Career Assessment. She has been the guest editor of Special Issues on calling (Journal of Vocational Behavior) and meaningful work (Journal of Business Ethics).

Glen Kreiner

The University of Utah – USA

O professor Glen Kreiner é o presidente do Departamento de Administração e do Conselho de Ética Empresarial da Universidade de Utah. Ele recebeu seu Ph.D. em Administração de Empresas pela Arizona State University. Sua pesquisa se concentra em tópicos como identidade no trabalho, atenção plena (mindfulness), dinâmica da vida profissional e ética. Atualmente, ele está conduzindo vários projetos de pesquisa sobre trabalhadores com deficiência intelectual e de desenvolvimento (como autismo e síndrome de Down) e busca melhorar os locais de trabalho para essa população. Dr. Glen também trabalha em uma iniciativa norte-americana (através do Huntsman Mental Health Institute) para eliminar o estigma da saúde mental.

Professor Glen Kreiner is the Chair of the Department of Management and the L.S. Skaggs Presidential Chair in Business Ethics Management at the University of Utah. He received his Ph.D. in Business Administration from Arizona State University. His research focuses on topics such as identity at work, mindfulness, work-life dynamics, and ethics. He is currently conducting multiple research projects regarding workers with intellectual and developmental disabilities (such as autism and Down syndrome) and seeks to make workplaces better for this population. He is also working with a nationwide initiative (through the Huntsman Mental Health Institute) to eliminate the stigma of mental health.